Who we are
Workgroup of NICE project is coordinated by University of Eastern Piedmont in particular by Department of Law, Politic and Social Sciences – DIGSPES. University of Eastern Piedmont "Amedeo Avogadro" was among the first universities in Italy to realise University Reform and established new Departments, they assign didactic and scientific activities to. To DIGSPES belongs the following structures which develop research activities: Law and Econimic Sciences (ISGE), Politic, Administration, History, Territory (PAST), Public Policy (POLIS), Social Research.
Co-beneficiaries of the projects are the following:
Associazione Monferralto, a cultural no-profit association mainly engaged in transferring knowledge to the new generations by a methodology of research- action. the activities of the Association is mainly linked to the schools of the territory, to the didactic farms and social farm businesses.
Razvojna agencija Sotla an organisation operating in public services for some municipalities of South East Slovenia, the Regional Development Partnership of Obsotelje and Kozjansko which incluedes 7 municipalities. The area covers 609 kmq and has a population of 50.000 inhabitants with an average of 82 inhabitants/kmq
Paragon Europe is an international EU affairs, advisory and compliance company with head offices in Malta and Brussels. Paragon Limited has been successful in sourcing funds for EU projects submitted under a number of programmes, such as The Sixth Framework Programme for Research and Development (FP6), Leonardo da Vinci, Youth, INTERREG III, eContentplus and EuroMed, Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020. Paragon Limited specialises in training, research and project management. Paragon strives to contribute at local and European level to the objectives of the EU’s Social Agenda as well as to the five ambitious headline targets to be reached by the Europe of 2020 Strategy (employment, research and innovation, education, social inclusion and climate/energy).
East Riding of Yorkshire Council is a local authority responsible in programming educational paths in schools, public services, healthcare to adults and children, environmental management and economic development. It has about 12000 employees.The East Riding of Yorkshire Council participated in many national and European programmes, managing investments for school, environment and tourism. Staff of project management has a lot of experience in development and implementation of European projects, in professional financing and management audit. ERYC collaborates with Discovering our Countryside operating with schools by activities related to breeding farm, seasonality of foods and in particular, the training of teachers and with STCRF (Stockbridge Technology Centre Research Foundation) engaged in educational projects linked to agriculture, to environment and to training of young people and teachers